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Artist Intro

Vigneshkumar a.k.a. Monk

I'm Vigneshkumar a.k.a. Monk, an Independent Tattoo Artist from Mumbai. My establishment – Tattoo Temple was started in 2010 & the focus has always been – Art on Skin. Taking a concept & make it fit Perfectly to your Body.

There is a Consulting process & all Artwork is Custom made so that your Tattoo is as Unique as YOU are.

Tattoo Temple believes that Tattooing can and should be a Passion. In the same way your Favorite Painting, Song or Movie invokes an Emotional Response – Tattooing, at its Purest form, can be the Physical Manifestation of this Highly Personal Interaction. If you have Chosen a Tattoo Artist like me who is able to Create a Unique Design then part of your Body and by Extension, You, are essentially turned into a Living Work of Art.

With Andrea Afferni & his Work

With Andrea & Anil After attending their Seminar on B&G / Color Realism

With Anil Gupta & his Work

Constantly working towards getting my work better, I make it a point to attend seminars to get my artistic skill improved upon. Above, I am with two world renouned artists Andrea Afferni & Anil Gupta who are both Masters in their own right. Tattoo Seminars are a great place for any artist to come in contact with like minded individuals & see some great works of art.


Rewards & Recognition

It feels good to be recognised in Media & at Conventions for my Artwork & Hygiene practices, but that's nothing compared to seeing the

Joy on my Clients' face after a Tattoo Session.

BBC News - Mumbai Tattoo Con - 2012

DNA News - 2014

Pune Tattoo Con - 2015


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